

2007/09/16 07:00
英文廣論p.20, Ch.1, Vol.3:

…Kamalaśīla’s second Stages of Meditation says:

With bare insight that lacks serenity, the yogi’s mind is distracted by objects; like an oil-lamp in the wind, it will not be stable. For this reason, what sublime wisdom sees will not be very clear. As this is so, rely equally on both. Therefore, the Great Final Nirvāṇa Sūtra (Mahā-parinirvāṇa-sūtra) says:

Śrāvakas do not see the lineage of the tathāgatas because their concentration is greater than their wisdom; bodhisattvas see it, but unclearly, because their wisdom is greater than their concentration. The tathāgatas see everything because they have serenity and insight in equal measure. [477]

With the power of serenity, your mind – like a lamp placed where there is no wind – will be unmoved by the winds of discursive thought. With insight, others cannot divert you since you have abandoned the infinite entanglement of bad views. As the Moon Lamp Sūtra (Candra-pradīpa-sūtra) says:

The power of meditative serenity makes your mind steady; insight makes it like a mountain.

So, the mark of meditative serenity is that your attention stays right where it is placed without distraction from the object of meditation. The mark of insight is that you know the reality of selflessness and eliminate bad views such as the view of self; your mind is like a mountain in that it cannot be shaken by opponents. Therefore, you should distinguish these two marks.


