論之本文──p. 20101
p. 20102
tib. p. 27908
སྐྱེས་རབས་ལས། ལྷ་དབང་ཕྱིར་ཡང་ངོ་ཚ་བོར་ནས་ནི། །ཡིད་ལ་ཆོས་དང་འགལ་བ་བྱེད་པ་བས། །གྱོ་མོའི་སྣོད་ཐོགས་གོས་ངན་གྱོན་ནས་ནི། །དགྲ་བོའི་ཁྱིམ་དུ་འབྱོར་པ་མཐོང་ཡང་བླ། །ཞེས་དང༌།
tib. p. 27911
१२ ब्राह्मणजातकम्
12. Brāhmaṇajātakam
स्वाभिप्रायं खलु निवेदयामि-कपालमादाय विवर्णवाससा वरं द्विषद्वेश्मसमृद्धिरीक्षिता ।
svābhiprāyaṃ khalu nivedayāmi – kapālamādāya vivarṇavāsasā varaṃ dviṣadveśmasamṛddhirīkṣitā /
व्यतीत्य लज्जां न तु धर्मवैशसे सुरेन्द्रतार्थेऽप्युपसंहृतं मनः ॥१९॥
vyatītya lajjāṃ na tu dharmavaiśase surendratārthe 'pyupasaṃhṛtaṃ manaḥ // Jm_12.19 //
{2015.5.22}此偈頌即如廣論p. 03701《本生論》〈第十二品 婆羅門本生〉,《四家合注》:釋迦佛在菩薩時(因地),曾生為一婆羅門。學《吠陀》時,其婆羅門師為觀察眾弟子的心思,說:「我很窮,需要你們去偷別人的財物來給我。」其他的學生都答應了,菩薩卻未答應,對他老師說了此偈頌。
One day the teacher of a group of young brahmins decided to test his students. He first elicited their sympathy by telling them of his financial problems. Then he stated, “It is said, ‘When a brahmin is declining in his fortune, it is virtuous to steal.’ Brahma, the creator of the univers, is the father of all brahmins. When a brahmin is declining in fortune, it is all right to steal, because everything is Brahma’s creation, and the brahmins own those creations. Therefore, please go and steal something.”Most of the students replied that they would do just as the teacher said, but the student who was to become Śakyamuni Buddha remained silent. When the teacher asked him to explain his silence, he replied, “You, my teacher, have instructed us to steal, but according to the general teachings stealing is completely improper. Although you have said to do it, it doesn’t seem right.” The teacher was very pleased and said, “I said this in order to test you all. He is the one who has actually understood my teaching. He has not been led foolishly anywhere like a rivulet of water, but has examined what his teacher has said, and made his own determination. He is the best among my students.”